rounding cape reinga
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Fri 7 Nov 2014 22:36
34:51S 172:16E
We anchored just under Cape Reinga last night along with Australian
cruising friends Paul and Kate on Iolea and a couple of fishing
boats. As we sat in the cockpit having a sundowner we watched
amazed as people swam off the beach. It’s a gorgeous and remote
beach and there were a few campers there...obviously quite balmy judging by
their desire to swim!
Yesterday afternoon we caught a kahawhai and baked it whole and it was
delicious with lemon mayonnaise. It’s our first taste of NZ fish for some
time and it was great.
Tides are critical round Cape Reinga so we were up at 5.30am and were
pleased to follow one of the fishing boats around.....tides can be confusing and
seeing him heading out confirmed our decision to make an early morning
start. We had current with us and Bandit was racing along at 10
knots at times. Cape Reinga and Cape Maria van Diemen looked
spectacular from the sea but with the sun rising behind them it was hopeless
taking photos.
We’re now heading down the west coast with wind between 12-16 knots from
the south east – on the nose. We’re making reasonable progress but the odd
big wave tends to stop us in our tracks. Iolea is abeam of us but no doubt
being bigger (they’re a Hylass 48) they’ll creep ahead.
It’s wonderful being back at sea, on passage, and much discussion has
centred around just how we are going to adapt to a land based life. this space! |