fabulous fakarava

David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Sun 18 May 2014 02:40
16:04S 145:43W
Kauehi with the morning ebb tide, Bandit hit 10 knots as we raced through the
pass helped by six knots of current. We’d heard so many stories about
these passes and so picked atolls with “easy” passes and Kauehi proved very
straightforward. We had a lovely sail across to neighbouring Fakarava
which was also reported to have an easy entrance and so it proved.
We’d timed it to enter with the incoming tide and while there were a few small
standing waves it was nothing to worry about.
We headed
to the anchorage off the village of Rotoava which had a bakery – fresh
baguette! There was internet floating around so we headed to the local
hotel and, in an idyllic waterfront setting, managed to send a few emails, check
news sites and download grib files before it died. Internet in these
atolls is hard to find, unreliable and usually notoriously slow.....so we’ve
weaned ourselves off it but it is always nice to see what is happening in the
Tulu was in
the anchorage so we had drinks on board with them and True Blue – a stunning
Oyster 655 we first saw in Panama and then the Galapagos. We’d never met,
but had heard Don on the SSB. Turns out he was born in New Zealand but
these days lives in San Francisco. Was great to meet and have yet another
fantastic night on Tulu. |