every day is getting colder
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Mon 6 Oct 2014 22:58
26:55S 177:03E
24 hour run – 120mls
conditions – 10 knots wind from the south, 1-2m seas
I know we are going to become very boring if all we do is moan about the
weather.....but, it is getting seriously cold! Having spent the best part
of the last year in the tropics and the past 10 years mostly in hot climates we
feel the cold very much. Since leaving Tonga we’ve noticed every day is
just a little bit cooler. We had our last swim in Minerva Reef and it was
hardly a swim – a quick dunk off the back of Bandit before a freshwater shower
on deck. The skipper was even seen to don his 5m wetsuit for our futile
crayfishing expedition.
Yesterday David came up on deck in fleecy long pants (definitely not a
fashion statement), polar fleece jacket, merino/possum beanie and leather sea
boots. When Alastair scoffed at him and I raised my eyebrows we looked at
the thermometer in Bandit’s saloon and it was 23 degrees. David defended himself
saying that taking the windchill into account it must have been less than 20 on
deck. I was nestled into the corner of the cockpit under the dodger and
quite happy in my t-shirt.....although I did have an Icebreaker single on
underneath. As David and I prepared for bed, leaving Alastair to do the
8pm until midnight watch, we noticed he emerged with a woolly hat
We’re now at 26 degrees south which is depressing as there’s still another
10 degrees of latitude to go to Opua and another six onto Marlborough – what on
earth will we be wearing by the time we arrive?
You’ll be able to spot us when we do arrive home - we’ll be the ones well
wrapped up!
Last night’s dinner of fresh tuna went down a treat. To start with we
had sashimi followed by seared tuna and salad. We’ve got poisson cru for
lunch and tuna steaks again tonight. My pre prepared freezer meals are
We made slow progress overnight and were forced to motor sail for a few
hours. The wind picked up on my watch (4am to 8am) and I managed to
get Bandit sailing albeit very slowly. Right now we’ve got southerly winds
hard on the nose and heading west hoping that when the forecast north westerly
winds arrive tomorrow we’ll be in a good position to get
them. |