on the road again

David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Mon 10 Mar 2014 17:28
06:29N 80:10W
The plan
always was to have a week or two in Panama’s offshore Las Perlas islands – a
lovely group of islands 30 miles from Panama City but, as we all know, things
never go to plan!
leaving Panama City on Saturday afternoon we arrived off the island of Contadora
in darkness and dropped anchor behind two catamarans. We woke in the
morning to discover they were Australian boats Remi De and Moana Roa.
Along a bit further was Southern Cross and Ooroo – there is no escaping these
Australians. On our morning SSB net we heard Moana Roa say the wind was
looking good for an afternoon departure. Hmmm......so much for our plans
for staying – we couldn’t possibly sit in an anchorage and watch these Aussies
Keeping an
open mind we went ashore for a walk and on the windward side of the island a
brisk breeze had got up – it was an impossible task to keep skipper at
anchor. We did debate long and hard as the Perlas are no doubt worth
exploring but we’ve got a lot of ocean to cover in the next few months and
simply couldn’t ignore a good breeze. We were well and truly mentally
ready to go and Bandit was stowed so it was a no brainer really. As we
sailed out between the islands we caught a good sized Spanish mackerel –
David took
his usual first 8pm to 2am watch and with up to 20 knots of wind from behind
Bandit rocketed along with full main and genoa poled out. For the first
time in ages we had flat seas so it was a very comfortable night. I had a
busy watch with at least eight ships – but all were well to starboard. The
Aussie cats had to dodge them – they don’t go so well flat off so were reaching
which took them on a more westerly course.
We fully
expected the wind to die – this area is notorious for fickle winds – but by mid
morning it was still blowing 15 knots...long may it last but we well know it
won’t! On our 9am net Bandit was leading the charge with Remi De close
behind and no doubt due to overtake us being a huge catamaran but we had a good
lead on the others – not that this is a race of course.
As for “on
the road again” – it’s our theme song and good old Willie Nelson is always on
full volume on day one of any passage – it’s a good
feeling! |