almost there
David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Mon 30 Apr 2012 17:05
15:45:07N 82:45:62W
We had great sailing all yesterday afternoon and through the night –
15knots of wind on the beam which was just great. David hooked a good
sized mahimahi mid afternoon so that solved dinner issues.....fresh
mahimahi. Night sailing was reasonable busy as there are lots of
shallow areas, banks and reefs around here to avoid. It was a case of
keeping a constant eye on the chart plotter and altering course a couple of
This morning the wind deserted us so up with the coloured sail. We
have a love/hate relationship with this sail – we love it when it’s up and doing
its job, but hate getting it up and down. It really needs a 3rd
person......actually, as we’re both feeling dog tired today we figure a 3rd
person would be useful for all kinds of, helping with meals,
sail changes...hmmmm. Anyway, we persisted – with some very strong
language from the skipper – and got the thing flying. It’s given us a knot
but the wind continues to ease and is down to 8knots now. Bandit is
chugging along at about 4 knots....a lot slower than yesterday. We should
make landfall in the Hobbie Cays mid afternoon (Monday).
The Hobbie Cays are home to a couple of lobster fishermen. They are
just a handful of islands and cays in the middle of nowhere. Naturally
we’re hoping for a once we get there it will be into the water to
snorkel the rocks. Very hot today so a swim will be great.
We’ve noticed lots of birds flying past – must be migrating north (any
ideas?). Most have been too far away to identify but seem quite big.
Right now we have a swallow sitting on the lifeline – he’s been with us for a
couple of hours so is either lost or tired. The swallow eventually sat on
David’s hand and had a drink of water and is now resting in the shade hitching a
ride further north!