Position at 1200 UTC Monday 26th June
Mon 26 Jun 2006 15:17
44.18.96N and 18.57.01W 654 miles to
the Lizard.
Still heading east to skirt south of a low pressure
system building south of Ireland. However wind shifted to the east
last night so we were forced to lose some of our northing. Regaining it
during Monday as winds continue to back to the north. Forecast is for
southwest winds, building as the front nears which should us chance ot set a
course straight for the UK.
All settled in to passage life again.
Caroline has put out the fishing line, and saw her first whales of the trip
yesterday afternoon. Anna and Eddie plan to play their
traditional half way chocolate game this afternoon.
Weather cold, grey and damp. Hope to make
landfall Saturday night/Sunday morning.