Grenada Pics 1

Wed 25 Jan 2006 15:01
moored in Clifton Bay. We had a good time but the forecast was getting
worse so we headed South again, first to Tyrrel Bay on Carriacou, where we
caught up with Blase and then to Prickly Bay, Grenada. We got here in time
to say goodbye to friends on Whitehaven, who were flying back to
Australia. An excellent night was had by all. Also here are Keoma. It's
been wet and windy but the forecast is now improving. We're now just south
of 12 degrees and think this is probably as far as we'll go south. After
another week or so in Grenada, we'll start the long haul back. We've taken
a tour of the island with a taxi driver who calls himself Cat Eye. He
seems to know everyone and everyone knows him. He's been an excellent
Moored in Clifton Bay, Union
Eddie in Clifton Bay
Eddie driving the dinghy (or 'boys and their toys' according to the
photographer AFJ)
House on Westerhall Point - the Beverly Hills of Grenada
Cat Eye plus Ollie and Emms from Blase and Anna
Eddie on a beach on the East Coast
Lunch in Grenville - including Oil Down, the national dish
Mona monkeys - they live in the wild but these were schoolgirls' pets
Russian and Cuban planes abandoned on the old runway after the US invasion
of 1984
Hiking in Hurricane Ivan-damaged forest
Annandale Falls