Day 10 - Wednesday 8 November
Wed 8 Nov 2017 12:22
Off Portugal, Day 9.
Since yesterday the sea has settled down and the cruising has become routine. Nenne is now being run on one engine to conserve fuel and Don is sailing her with the genoa rigged.The boat competently surfs the following sea and everyone who was feeling sick seems to have recovered.
The system of shifts is becoming a habit although the 02:00 to 06:00 shift is a horror. The last hour drags on forever.
Donald has emptied the last of the diesel from the on-deck fuel tank into the engine fuel tanks and the game of working out how accurate the fuel guages are has started. He keeps doing calculations of fuel consumption, distance covered and fuel reserves. Says he had a horrible experience going into Gibraltar on the last delivery, flashing red fuel lights with a night entry into a busy harbour on the Spanish side.
Although we are getting near to Gibraltar the wind is still cold and foulies are essential.
At the moment it is beautiful and relaxing at the helm, with smooth seas, a following wind and a clear horizon.