19 August 2014 Port Vila Vanuatu

The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Tue 19 Aug 2014 07:02
Arrived! It was a good 4 days passage from Fiji. However the Pacific swells
got the better of me and I have felt a bit squeezy. Poor Mike had to do most of
the below deck jobs. At least I could still do my watches.
Anyway, here we are, on Efata Island, the main one of the Vanuatu group.
Once in the bay, you are to find the quarantine buoy and anchor in its zone. We
arrived at noon today but when ready to drop the anchor the switch wouldn’t
work! So we had to motor up and down the bay for over an hour whilst Mike
replace the defective switch. We finally managed to drop the anchor at 1:30PM.
Then we had to wait until 3:00PM for the customs authorities and Bio security to
clear us. They were actually very nice and checking in was easy. Tomorrow we
have to go to Immigration and to the Bio Security office to pay our fee. As soon
as we got our papers we proceeded to the mooring buoy area where a launch showed
us the buoy to pick and handed us the mooring line. Easy.
We haven't been ashore yet. too tired to blow up the dinghy. Instead we are
enjoying a nice G&T and look forward to exploring what Port Vila has to
offer tomorrow.
All good and happy in Vanuatu! |