22 Feb 2010 Caya Levisa Cuba

The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Mon 22 Feb 2010 15:24
Quick update.
Had a great evening last night with the guys from
the two other boats that are cruising with us. Each boat cooked something and we
all gathered on the 62ft boat of our New Zealand friends. Great couple.
Calm weather, perfect condition.
At about 1:00 this morning the wind picked up big
time. The cold front must be passing earlier than forecast. We dragged
anchor in 40kts gusts of wind. We re anchored and we seem to hold right now.
Heavy bursts of rain as well. So we are sitting here waiting for the nasty front
to pass. Unfortunately there is another big one forecast for Wednesday. No rest
for the wicked.
So we are fine right now, holding
Catherine and Mike