20 Feb 2013 Opua

The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Wed 20 Feb 2013 05:09
After a nice few days in Keri Keri bay and a stop in bay called Te Hue Bay (or Assassination Cove!), we are now in the Opua marina waiting for Aimee, Richard and Nim arrival tomorrow.
Keri Keri town was nothing special but we found a pub on the river edge where we had lunch in very pleasant surroundings (photo attached). We had to go up the river with the dinghy from the boat to town. At one point, the river forked and we took the wrong turning... We therefore unintentionally had to walk about 5km to town...and back. Good exercise!
A dozen dolphins gave a a stunning show the other day. We were in the dinghy attempting to fish and they all jumped and dived around us. We guess that they found the shoal of fish we never found (!) and they were certainly going for them. It was beautiful to watch. They are so powerful in their jumps.
We arrived in Opua at about 2PM and we have already done the laundry, wash the boat and are settling down for our sundowner...
The wind has picked up quite a bit since yesterday with gusts up to 27 knots which can sometimes surprise us as we are going from 8 knots to 27 knots in seconds. Although they are clouds around the sun is shining and the temperature is about 25 degrees.
All good here...