28:51N 13:49W
Michael Hughes and Ger White
Sun 18 Nov 2018 18:45
Our crossing from Agadir was fast, furious and very uncomfortable! We expected winds up to 25 knots and a fair swell, all reducing by midnight, but got winds up to 35 knots and a big swell on the beam which did not reduce much until 0600 and which made sleep difficult on the night passage. Leaving Agadir a bit after 0900 on the 13th, we arrived in the marina about 1800 on the 14th—a pretty fast 240 mile passage. A bit beaten up, we had the boat washed down and cleaned up before going out for a well earned dinner.
As ever, some boat issues to deal with. The no1 autopilot failed about half way across—so glad Amel fit a second one! But we will need to get it fixed. Also some indication that the port window may be leaking, as happened 2 years ago on starboard. We have made temporary repairs but will need to keep an eye on it.
We’ve hired a car for a week and spent some time seeing the island—-which we did little of last time we were here. The impact of volcanic activity is astonishing!
Not sure how much longer we will be here, but not in any rush—-which is just as well as the autopilot technician seems in no rush to come round either! Last time we were governed by the ARC timetable—-this time we can set our own.
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