Fw: Overcast day
Michael Hughes and Ger White
Wed 18 Jun 2014 18:23
Our second day was somewhat slower than the first, but we still managed a
respectable 160 miles or so. However this afternoon has been slow—the sky has
been very overcast, we
have had a lot of rain and, a squall with over 30 knots of wind in it
excepted, a lack of wind. For the second time this afternoon, there is no wind
at all and I’ve stowed the sails while we wait
for it to reappear. An hour on there is no sign of it. The forecast was for
15 knots of wind.
So a frustrating day, playing with sails and making slow progress—which
looks like it may go into the night.
STOP PRESS Wind suddenly re-appeared, so sailing again!!