The Mechanicall Miizzen
Michael Hughes and Ger White
Fri 9 Apr 2010 17:45
Yesterday was dire , little wind ( down to 4 or 5
knots at times ) and boat speed as low as 1.5 though we managed 3 to 4 much of
the time. Then it dropped forther overnight. What happened to those oh so
dependable Trade winds ??
At midnight we wrapped the sails and put up the
Mechanical Mizzen ( aka The Iron Jenny )...........spells of that and spells of
real sails since. Currently under sail at 4 knots and its certainly Sunday
before we see land...........just over 250 to go.
What a sad end to what looked like a very fast
passage two days ago. Never mind , we'll still be inside our 20 days that we
thought it would take.
Much reading and Sodoku going on in sweltering sun