The Pacific

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Tue 9 Feb 2010 12:53
Well we finally got to the Pacific!  The Panama Canal transit went smoothly--no mishaps--indeed an enjoyable event! We set off from the Atlantic side at around 1530, up 3 enormous locks in a raft of 3 yachts behind a very big containership--and into Gatun Lake where we anchored for the night. Great noises from the shore--jungle--sounded like lions roaring but it was howling monkeys--small but noisy--didn't disturb our night too much.  Then off at 0630 on Monday morning for the 28 miles through the Gatun Lake to the 3 down locks into the Pacific. We motored under the Bridge of the Americas around 1300 and were anchored in the Panama City anchorage--La Playita-- by 1330. And here we will stay for a couple of weeks.