Simeulue--and what a difference a day makes
Michael Hughes and Ger White
Sun 6 Apr 2014 09:50
After checking the forecasts, we decided to make our 2 day and overnight
sail to the island of Simeulue on 4 April. Whilst the forecasts were not great,
there seemed to be enough sailing wind for a sailing passage
and the subsequent days looked no better. WRONG. The forecasts were quite
wrong. The winds were all over the place, but always ahead of the beam.
Everything from 3 to 40 knots----the latter in humungus
squalls, pouring rain, some electrical storms etc. Throughout there was the
Indian Ocean swell rolling in on our starboard bow, and in the squalls the sea
got up nasty! This pattern continued overnight and through
most of the 5th. We arrived off the north west tip of Simeulue about 1000
hrs on the 5th. Intended to anchor at the first decent anchorage off Pulau
Lekon, but as we arrived thereabouts we had very heavy rain obscuring
and a nasty sea and wind. So we decided to press on to the next anchorage
some 25 miles further, off Simeulue Cut. By the time we arrived there the rain
had stopped and we finally dropped the hook around 1500 hrs. Almost all the
passage was under engine—a sailing wind would spring up, but by the time the
sails were set it would shortly disappear. Frustrating!!
All in all an unpleasant, wet, uncomfortable passage—the sort you cannot
wait to end. But of course we’ve all been there before.
But what a difference a day makes! After we had anchored, the rain stopped,
though it remained overcast and grey as we ate our delicious lamb chop dinner.
But after an 11 hour sleep the 6th dawned a beautiful sunny day—our dull
anchorage was lovely—clear blue water, calm, fish around the boat—even a
turtle—sandy beach, palm trees and jungle---and all to ourselves! And when we
went snorkelling off the reef—not expecting much at all—we entered the
nicest coral garden since we left the Pacific islands. We were overjoyed,
couldn’t believe it---so much better than Thailand—forget the Whitsundays—forget
the Similans—this was full of colour, very much alive and well—plenty of fish
life---and only us there to enjoy it. So we are staying put today, and will swim
and snorkel again tomorrow morning early, before we leave for our next
anchorage. For a couple of days we were wondering why the hell we came to
the west
coast of Sumatra. And today we found out. |