Return to Greece

Off again
Mon 11 Apr 2011 13:23
20th March caught the early BA flight to Athens and met up with a couple of sailing friends,Matt and Annie, from the marina who we were sharing a hire car with from Athens to Messolonghi.
After clearing customs and picking up the car we headed out of Athens,Matt was driving and took quickly into the role of a bona fide Greek driver!!!!
A quick pit stop at the Corinth Canal!!
Arrived back at the marina at 8.30pm after a very nerve racking ride!
Not much had changed at the marina since our departure 3 weeks earlier  and poor weather conditions were still evident.Lilly was pleased to see us but had been really spoilt by our good neighbours Angie and Keith who had looked after her in our absence.
Now only have 10 days to sort things out before we depart!!!!
Days were spent stocking and cleaning and arranging a diver to clean our bottom once we moored on the quayside.
Our Greek friends invited us to their homes where we were treated so well and fed until we burst.