12th September Cartagena

Off again
Sun 1 Nov 2009 14:22
Weather not very good for us so will need to motor sail to Cartagena before it gets any worse.
Said our farewells to Gill and departed for Cartagena.Slightly overcast and the sea state had settled to 1/2 metre swells, we managed to get the main and Gib out but a few hours into our sail we found that the top block pulling our mainsail up had come adrift so we needed to get the main sail down before the winds picked up.Mark managed to hand pull the main sail down and it looks like we will need to repair our main halyard and renew the block.We arrived in Cartagena to a very warm welcome from the marinaro on duty who rememebered us from last time it was like coming back home.
The Audi Med Cup sailing rally was in full swing on our approach into the harbour so it looks like fiesta time again!
   Cartagena with amphithatre as backdrop!