37:04.510N 08:07.302W
Off again
Thu 15 Nov 2007 07:36
14th Nov Tried moving off early this a.m. firstly
another chappie filled with booze clambered over the 'security' gates into our
berthing area thinking we were another drinking establishment, had all our nav
lights etc on and probably looked like a lovely Christmas tree at that time in
the morning.After seeing him off, in a nice way, we had yet more problems.Just
as we were casting off a warp got wrapped around our prop and engine seized and
stopped.We had to wait until early morning light until we, I say we but I mean
Mark had to dive down and see what the damage was and unravel said
Engine still would not start and we thought Oh!
Dear this is going to be expensive in time and money.Gave a quick call to
Ancaster to talk to marine engineer, who is most interested in our trip as
he says most boats he deals with end up staying berthed in the marina year
in year out with the occasional jolly across the Solent in the Summertime.He
said he would ring us back when he had consulted his manuals, a bit like
consulting the BNF.
Luck on our side and it was a simple fuse problem
as the engine has some sort of safety device to prevent further damage from this
sort of thing.Still learning, curve is arcing further.
Had another day sorting in preparation for the
early morning start the next day.