Off again
Wed 17 Jun 2009 07:56
039:50.112N 003:07.869E
Managed to sail part of the way to Alcudia and
anchored in 2.5m over sand and weed.This gave us a great feeling of
satisfaction,the bay here is quite large and is quite exposed to the north but
we managed to tuck ourselves behind the inner mole.
Then it was off in the dinghy to discover the
delights of this area.Motoring along quite nicely towards the harbour entrance
when we noticed a fishing line wrapped around the front of the dinghy and a chap
who had been quite well concealed on the rocks waving up and down and chanting
that he was not crazy and motioning us to stop.Obviously we were going to do
Once untangled and grateful thanks from the
fisherman we resumed our journey only to find that we had yet another
line around the stern of the dinghy,engine off and a repeat of the same
procedure and wondering how many other lines this guy had!!
We at last made it into the harbour and tied up our
dinghy along the town wall,which is part of the marina,so lacks quite a lot of
Facilities here are very good and we managed to
walk the mile or so into the old town of Alcudia where a market is held every
Tuesday and Sunday.This we visited or should I say I visited as Mark was not
happy about leaving the boat at anchor and kept anchor watch
We have some mooring buoys booked for the next
couple of days in Pollensa so we shall celebrate there by both going