
Off again
Mon 19 Nov 2007 18:40
37:07.890N 06:49.981W    15th November crossing to Mazagon quite rough strong currents but alas wind on the nose all the way so only managed a short sail without motor.Again necessary to have lobster pot watch.Coast line literally peppered with the things.After a quite tiring and not very pleasant trip arrived Mazagon shortly before 4pm.Not very much here and obviously a tourist resort out of season!Will move on tomorrow.
16th .November Alas not to be!! Whilst Mark was checking engines in preparation for our departure he noticed that the starboard engine was out of alignment in its mounting and that the whole of the mounting shaft had sheared on both sides.Major major problem.Luckily there is a Lagoon and Yanmar agent based at the marina and contact re sorting the problem out has been made a little easier.Can't understand how this has happened as we had no problems whilst berthing etc.Our biggest dilemma is that the parts have to either come from Madrid or France!!The Madrid Yanmar office closes early on a Friday so we will have to wait until Monday to make contact.Our schedule has been seriously affected as we are now not sure once we get the part how long the engineer will take to fix the problem.Moods are a little low but hey this is the ups and downs of a boating life.Decided that we need to sort out our water problem as we are berthed up against the fuelling pontoon with no water available.This was supposed to be an overnight stay.Fun and games trying to sort out a very long hose from the boatyard to our boat.Workmen all very helpful and only too glad to lend a hand.Lagoon have said we can use one of their berths only problem we only have one engine.Man from Lagoon decides to help with his dingy acting as a bow thruster.The somewhat sleepy marina sprang to life as helping hands eager to assist joined us on the pontoon.Our daughter was quite overwhelmed as she had to act as interpreter to various Spanish voices shouting out conflicting advice on how to manoevour to the empty berth.We managed to safely manoevour the boat and it was wonderful to hook up to the electrics again.Out for a meal in the marina where they have internet facilities to drown our sorrows and let family and friends know of our delay.