We can't believe it!!!

Off again
Wed 5 Aug 2009 10:22
038:58.858N 001:32.151E
August 4th
Well we have had a great time sailing around the
various calas,not as busy as we thought it was going to be.San Antonio is a good
safe anchorage but can be quite noisy and there is quite a lot of wake caused by
the water bikes!!Met up with Falcon Crest who have problems with their
refridgeration, also met Oliver who we met last year in Al merimar,small world
this sailing fraternity.
Unfortunately whilst we were in Espalmador we found
that we were having problems with our port side engine and were unable to
manoevour forward,not a great thing to happen in a busy bay.We managed to get in
touch with a Yanmar agent who informed us that we neede to go to Santa
Eulalia,unfortunately bad advice as they do not have facilities for a lift out
for us,we have decided to go to the mainland ,Valaencia as they have much more
facilities and it would be the cheaper option.Leaving this afternoon and
hopefully arrive tomorrow afternoon.
Getting slightly fed up as we seem to have more of
a plane than a sailboat!!!