May Fiesta

Off again
Sun 17 May 2009 11:58
037:58.070N 000:40.999W
Decided to stay for a couple more days here in Torrevieja as there is some kind of May Festival on which looks very entertaining.Stalls beside the port are being erected displaying all sorts of handicraft and the locals are decking themselves out in flamenco style attire ,children and adults alike really get into the spirit of things.The local council have also set up a large stage and this is surrounded by tents which provide local Spanish food and drink and people can get up onto small stages and try their hand at Flamenco dancing.
Watched a couple of Flamenco shows on the large stage and on Sunday there is going to be a large Mass at the local Church and this will be followed by a horse parade and equestrian show.
This  is showing us another side of Torrevieja which is really quite unexpected as Torrevieja is renowned for package holidays and  earned the name ' Brits Ville Building site'.
 Jardin of Nations
 They really do like their Bag Pipes here in Spain!!
Saturday 9th May
Watched horse parade which was organised chaos 'health and safety' would have a field day here!!  We actually bumped into friends here from Wales who have bought an apartment 10 minutes away from Torrevieja! What a small world.
Spent a pleasant day with them with lunch on board and afterwards we were shown around their new home!
  poor horse!
  Catholic Church where large Mass was held
Fireworks on Sunday to mark the grand finale of the festival
Sunday 10th moved back into anchorage,in typical fashion after a very calm start to the day, the wind picked up as we decided to leave the pontoon ,