A duck to water!

Off again
Fri 5 Jun 2009 15:06
039:28.949N 002:43.799E
Well after a lot of stress and this continual waiting game Yanmar have now replaced seals on the drive and prop shafts and everything seems to be in order.The STP yard is extremley expensive and even Yanmar commented on this but luckily we did not have to pay as we were covered by our warranty.Sigh of relief!!!
Went out in the evening to celebrate and Mark had his favourite steak dinner.
2nd June
Up bright and early as enginers are checking the engines to give them a final check over.
Finally at 1pm we were back in the water and headed for Las Illetas a small anchorage to the west of Palma Bay.
Anchored in 5m sand ,the holding is said to be quite good but the bay is open to the south.
Again another lovely anchorage with crystal clear water,dived again to check that the anchors had set,which they had then settled down for a 'sundowner' or two.