Azores to Poole - Day 10

Donald Macdonald
Sat 5 Jun 2021 16:05
Position 50.03.7N 4.04.2W
Another good 24 hours sailing managing to stay in the narrow wind band. Most promising to get into Poole around midday Sunday without a major leg motoring. Last 18 hours have been very murky and fine rain with visibility down to 200 meters. Around the Isles of Scilly shipping very busy and a few adjustments of course required to keep clear.
Just been visited by the Border Force from Valliant. 3 members of the crew came aboard to check us out and keep the country secure. No problems for us. John had heard a noise of engines for sometime but could not see them, when he did I was woken from my sleep as a rib approached. Suspect they had been tracking us for ages and I think saw them in the gloom going the other way some 4 hours beforehand. It appears we are the 1st yacht boarded for a while as not many out and about coming from foreign places presently. They may have been informed of our presence by the Coastguard who look after the Traffic Separation Scheme around the Scillies as often heard them say they saw the ship on AIS and we skirted the southern one coming in. At least they had a trip out in a rib today.
No more breakdowns of equipment last 24 hours. Code 0 went up at 0530 this morning as the wind was dropping. We are having slightly more wind than forecast presently so getting us faster to our destination.
Dinner this evening will be Beef Casserole, the rest of the cheese, double helping, and then pear halves in Juice.