Back to the UK - Atlantic Ocean - Day 11

Donald Macdonald
Wed 12 May 2021 19:35
Position 30.34.8N 46.27.0W
Slow, Slow, Slow.
Another frustrating day drifting along at 2-2.5 knots. Nights are better and keep above 5 knots for the most part. We are going in the right direction and the wind has veered more so it is now aft of the beam which is even harder to keep the Code 0 flying which has now been up 21 hours. We are also rolling a lot more with the swell which does not help to keep the sails driving. WE have now gone over halfway of the initial distance of 2260nm with 1114nm left not sure how many extra will be required according to wind direction.
No gas alarms today, have left door open to aft cabin to keep cooler and circulate the air more.
Minor tasks done today. The red button on the engine throttle control to stop gearbox engaging when throttling up has been sticking so has been cleaned and lubed. This check done as when we finished ARC the button I could not get out for about 5 minutes as stuck. The engine has not been used on this trip so far, just one of my check items. Removed excess dry sealant around from some fittings which I had never got to do beforehand.
This morning John saw a big, big whale on the surface. At one stage saw the fin and tail that were further apart than Rainmaker hull length. Whale came up about 100m behind as we sailed away.
Diner tonight will be chicken in sauce, peas, carrots then sweet will be pear halves in juice.