Grenada - Quarantine Day 1 Martin's Bay

Donald Macdonald
Thu 14 Jan 2021 19:19
Position: 12.02.518N 61.45.414W
20 hours to sail down to Grenada 135.5 nm, our 1st sail of 2021. Winds during the night got up to 26 knots and near Soufriere as low as 4 knots. Very dark night without any moon and stars did not seem to illuminate as well as on our trip across the Atlantic. South of Saint Lucia not long before it got dark we saw a whale as it came up for air, just the once and probably only 50 meters away. This morning when anchoring saw a turtle go by.
Last night we had to steer as power seem to be draining very quickly and needed to run the engine for a couple of hours to give batteries a top up which we did not do once during the ARC.
Had 3 goes at anchoring. On the last one put the big anchor on and so far holding well. Went ashore to Grenada Yacht Club a mile away to get temporary papers to stay in quarantine zone in the bay. We should have a PCR test after 4 days which is a Sunday for us and tests not done so booked for 9 am Monday and they hope to get results back promptly so we spend no longer than 7 days in quarantine. The dinghy little 2.5 HP motor worked there and back long may it continue. Will need to keep an eye on the dinghy aft tube because it appeared to deflate a bit in Rodney Bay after a week.
Now we are stuck on boat for a week at anchor will do some investigation work on the power drain. On the odd swim give the hull a rub down.
At least we have some bottles of Rum Punch which we got a few weeks ago.