Back in Rodney Bay - Day 8

Donald Macdonald
Thu 7 Jan 2021 18:11
Aft locker water leak. Still nothing found so today
removed the 3 screws that hold the toerail down that goes into locker. Cleaned
out the holes and rebeded the screws. Also found were 2 filled holes with
sealant. Sealant removed and water put in hole in dropped a little the other
stayed full, no tell tale drips below therefore probably unlikely they are the
culprits. Both holes cleaned up, dried and filled with epoxy. Wait until next
wet, windy sail to see if any improvement in the reducing of the water
One of the straps on the bimini broke. John used his
sewing skills to join the 2 pieces of strap together.
We have a vague plan that we are going to Grenada next.
We will need to get a PCR test before we go and get a negative result and will
be on our way. Probably test next Monday as not sure how long takes results to
come back and we need it to be no longer than 72 hours old when we arrive
although I have heard they will accept up to 7 days. Watch this