Back to the UK - Atlantic Ocean - Day 9

Donald Macdonald
Mon 10 May 2021 19:10
Position 28.08.6N 49.14.2W
1st Thing. John hopes the operation went well today and all is good with Jean. Keep Well.
Slow day and night, well night better. Presently have 4-5 knots of breeze and managing a boat speed of 2 knots at times. Last night the wind came up a little to 8-9 knots which is enough to move us along at 5 knots so feel contented. This morning at dawn wind dropped to present levels for a couple of hours then managed 7-8 knots so moved along 4-4.5 knots. This reduction in the afternoon must be the sea breeze kicking in, Confused smile emoticon. Our heading was not too bad but now has gone very northerly, bad.
We must almost be on the shipping main road as 2 ships last night 9 and 3 miles away, one going to the Panama Canal from Bilbao and the other to Italy from the canal.
Got a water leak that comes from an unidentified source. You would think it was easy to find in these benign conditions, I think I have to cut open a panel to view as area I think coming from nil access, sealed hole. Job for the land I think.
Dinner this evening will be Chicken & Vegetable soup, cheese then sliced peaches in juice.