Tobago Cays

Donald Macdonald
Tue 2 Mar 2021 18:15
Position 12.38.156N 61.21.741W
Just before we left Chatham Bay we had a 40 knot squall come through with heavy rain.
Left Chatham Bay at 1000, anchor well bedded in and took a little persuasion to come out. As wind most of the 5 miles to Tobago Cays 20 degrees off the bow decided to motor otherwise would need to have spent and hour packing dinghy away and another one putting back together. Sun shone all the was across, went close to Palm Island where the upmarket people go for holidays in their beach front condos. Looked around whole of Cays before deciding where to anchor which is not too far from the beach BBQ area and bar. The Cays very pleasant with only 15-20 boats here we can only see another 5, not crowded at all so one benefit of the world lockdown.
John has checked the anchor is set, needed a little turn so dived down to do it as in just 4 meters of water. Whilst swimming around he saw a Ray go by under him, no idea which one though.