San Miguel - Ponta Delgada Day 5

Donald Macdonald
Mon 24 May 2021 16:32
Lazy day, not too much done. Made a couple crown sinnet lanyards for snap shackle pulls then ran out of 2mm cord, hopefully get more tomorrow. Aft starboard locker repacked for easy access to sails that maybe required on trip back.
Still a little cool in the mornings and gets more pleasant as day goes on with the sun.
US Coast Guard tall ship is doing free tours today, queues look a little big every time looked so probably give it a miss. Got a sensible size ensign flying today from aft mast.
Done a little investigations on B&G eelctronic fails. Wifi unit may have done a successful reboot. Autopilot controller still seems to want to do own thing, new one required. Until we sail again will not know if autopilot steering by wind is good again after reboot.