Mayreau - Saline Bay - Day 2

Donald Macdonald
Sat 6 Mar 2021 18:15
Yesterday launched dinghy and got through waves to the shore, then needed to carry it well passed the wave line to ensure not taken out to sea without us.
Wondered along the front talking to one of the locals who had offered us a BBQ on the beach for 60EC$ each. We declined. The local, Patrick then told us about a bar up the hill that does BBQ's on Friday's for either 10 or 20 EC$. WE walked up the hill now on a hot road in bare feet. I survived fine, John should have put his shoes on as got a blister on each foot from the heat. We wondered in the bar, then asked if we would like to go up top. On top was a lot cooler and good views around. The owner, Bob stayed and chatted and found out he has run this bar for 35 years and kept adding bits which you can see these different additions. After a beer we got Rum Punch, not sure he put much punch it bar that you got from the rum. Once the sun went down descended to ground floor for beer and a BBQ that Bob's daughter does. Very reasonable at 10EC$. Bob was then talking to us about how he has guided Patrick and then about bongo drums. Before long there were 3 of them playing the bongos, harmonica and singing just for us. One of the guys with the bass bongo could half move his hands and get some great beats out. Brilliant evening.
We then walked back down the hill, in our shoes to where we had pulled the boat up, shoes off back into waterproof bag and launch dinghy. The breaking waves did cause us some problems as I got soaked head to foot after one broke over the stern, John was OK holding the bow. The dinghy was half filled with water when we motored back.
Lazy day today. The coast guard did come by this morning and stopped about 20m away checking that we could be there then went to the other boat in the bay with us, who has since left.