Carriacou - Tyrell Bay

Donald Macdonald
Sat 13 Feb 2021 22:58
Position 12.27.367N 61.29.079W
Got away no problems at 07.50. Motored out of the bay
and put main up with 2 reefs and the heavy weather jib. The beat along bottom of
Grenada and up the eastern side of the island was hard going. Boat speed was
good at 6.2 - 6.5 knots but the mucked up sea kept our SOG down to 4 knots also
a current and tide were against us. The first 20 miles took 5 hours of slogging.
If it looked like we were not going to make Tyrell Bay in day light we would
take reefs out and go back south and pop into a bay we had not been in. At 13.30
with still 20 miles to go we cracked off a bit, 20 degree, as had been gain
height, to see what speed we would do not beating, as sort of expected we were
able to regularly do in excess of 7 knots so decided to continue. It was a wet
sail with regular wave breaking over the boat and us. Fortunately we were in
shorts and T-shirt and dried quickly each time.
Got to Tyrell Bay at 17.00 and searched for an anchor
spot, the bay a lot more crowded than anticipated. We are about 100 metres from
the beach in 4 meters of water.
On inspection below found front cabin with lots of
water. Reason the mosquito net was left half in place so elastic went under the
seal and could not seal and it was at the forward edge. Don't think John will do
that again, especially if likely to get breaking waves over the
May have to have Rum Punch