Azores to Poole - Day 2

Donald Macdonald
Fri 28 May 2021 16:25
Position 39.05.1N 26.18.7W
Slow first 24 hours, just 35 miles done towards our
destination and 100 miles on our course. Wind lightened a lot earlier than
forecast and the band we are after is some 20-30 miles north of us if our
guesstimations are correct. To try and get there and not stay in this zero wind
area for a day or so reverted to engine for up to 6 hours. If no wind still will
decide to drift about.
The ZG50 GPS froze again this morning, already reset.
Autopilot still doing bigger 'S's' than I think it should so whilst under motor
adjusted a couple settings and see what happens when under sail again and wind
Felt very cold last night and woolly hats and full foul
weather gear on. Not to bad during the day in the sunshine quite cool in the
shade. Slowly getting acclimatised for UK.
Last nights baguettes were fine by taste and no illness
today so we have another 8 to get through.
Dinner this evening will be beef casserole, baguette
followed by tinned raspberries, Azorean style.