Day 2 delivery

Donald Macdonald
Sat 17 Oct 2020 09:52
46.44N 6.19W
Last 24 hours have seen lots of wind conditions. Yesterday afternoon motor/sailing with glassy water and 0 knots. The last 12 hours the wind has been building and now 25-30 knots in the Atlantic Ocean, with 3 reefs in the main and working jib up.
Engine has run well without any leaks to fuel filter bodge.
Whilst cooking dinner last night, chicken in white sauce with carrots and peas with hot baguette followed by tinned pear halves, looked for somewhere to store rubbish we forgot to offload in Poole found fresh water in the locker. Not really sure where it has come from but due to a tell tale sign of water on top of tank removed cover and resaled it. Too bumpy to remove cushions and lids to see if improvement. will be 2nd job on new todo list, fuel filter being the 1st.
John up on deck ensuring we do not collide with a cargo ship that when 8 miles away we still could not see should be 3 miles away now.
We have had 3 visits by dolphins, once staying with us for 30 minutes putting on there well rehearsed displays.
That's it for today I had better go and takeover on deck.