ARC - Day 14

Donald Macdonald
Sun 6 Dec 2020 16:04
Position 17.53N  49.51W
Another very slow night with light winds as low as 1 knot and as high as 5 knots, no rain though. Today has been slightly better from 9 with 5-6 knots and now we have as much as 8. With the pink spinnaker flying can get to 4 knots boat speed.
Just received a weather warning about squalls seen on satellite imagery for the area and we could get up to 50 knots at times which will mean as they normally arrive rapidly will not be flying spinnaker tonight.
Maintenance Sunday
1.    Had a couple of faults to over come. Last night unable to get the water system to pressurise to get fresh water. Investigation reveals that the pressure switch is inoperative so have bypassed it. Now we just put pump on for short time to make sure we do not over pressurise and burst pipe connections.
2.    There has been a discerning clicking and clunking noise from the pedestal steering with wheel in certain positions. This morning removed the compass and cover plates to investigate. Nothing noticeably broken or worn and with it open noise does not appear to be coming from the wheel and shaft. All put together concerns belayed especially if going to get a bit fruity this evening.
3.    The vang strut tube has been getting damaged by the wire metal pulley block rubbing in to the metal. Good old speed tape (heavy duty aluminum sticky tape) patched over area for temporary fix. If tape good enough to battle damage aircraft sure it will work on the vang.
The bimini over the cockpit has been extended to get out of the heat with lack of wind. Will be collapsed this evening before dark as does get in the way of the check stays being used.
Another day ending so must be dinner. Delights this evening is Beans and sausages, baguette (hot), cheese and as almost tropical pineapple slices in juice.