Back to the UK - Atlantic Ocean - Day 10

Donald Macdonald
Tue 11 May 2021 19:50
Position 29.31.1N 48.05.5W
Slow old 24 hours here on Rainmaker with very light 2-4 knot winds and the odd 6-8 knots. The wind also still been further forward than forecast so going far more north than wanted. This afternoon gave had slightly more wind so managing 4 knots instead of 2 or less and getting east a bit more. At least it is sunny, warm and better than working. With anticipation that the wind will veer more soon the Code 0 has been set up ready for hoist, its 1st outing since the disaster 1st night of the ARC and its repair. After 10 days at sea we are 1000nm nearer our destination only 1220 to go.
Had gas alarm go off today, as no gas on decided some sort of spurious alarm. It is No.2 sensor but not sure if for main cabin or aft. The aft cabin was very hot and stuffy so opened door and access cover to where the sensor is and all has been OK since. Suspect the heat and stuffiness in that cabin and that is where the used tins kept in black sack so maybe odours from that too.
For those that are interested Jean's operation was good and recovering at home.
Dinner tonight beef casserole, cheese and pineapple slices.