Back in Rodney Bay - Day 7

Donald Macdonald
Wed 6 Jan 2021 20:31
Sunny and warm today.
Productive on a boat job today. The forward pulpit has 2 metal loops for a retaining strap, these go forward by an inch and the black spinnaker especially catches on it and gets torn. Got a broken old sail batten from Kenny the sail maker here and cut into two 9 inch lengths and put a elongated hole in it to fit firmly on the overhang. A jubilee clip at the bottom of the batten gives it a gentle curve to the overhang. Next time we fly the black kite will confirm whether it works, it looks as though it should. One of the tools I hummed and haahed about bringing, the Dremmel, was the major workhorse for this job so a good call.
I do need to go back to the rail and water leak. Tomorrow now.