St Vincent & Grenadines - Young Island Cut Quarantine Area

Donald Macdonald
Fri 19 Feb 2021 20:59
Position 13.08.012N 61.12.160W
Up a 5 left at 0550. Still a little dark so care missing
mooring buoys. Main up 1 reef and working jib. Once around the Tyrell Bay
headland got on the wind and was as predicted so a course to leeward of all the
islands going north. About 10 minutes later started getting a lift and it kept
coming so took it all, eventually was 40 degrees higher than expected at 110. It
stayed so gave us the option to go to windward of Union Island. It had backed a
bit by the time we got to Tobago Keys, a 30 minute tack had us windward of that
too. Not long after, wind did go to predicted 070 degrees with little shifts in
it. At Bequia we needed to do another 30 minute tack to avoid it. After Bequia
we though we would to to crack off a bit to quarantine area. No such luck wind
backed to 050. Wind all day was 20-25 knots and half the time a very messy sea
making it a wet trip, only one wave broke on us and gave a proper deluge across
the decks.
We arrived in the quarantine area, 1515 and there
was a boat, driven by Sparrow to show us to the allocated mooring buoy. All
very smooth just hope next PCR test is on Monday too. Confined to but until this
test is negative.
Water in aft locker again more investigations required.
Maybe one day I will fix it.