All at Sea

45:32.8 N
18:0.25W Robin. At sea Sunday 14th June nearly
half way from Horta in the Azores to the Yealm. About 640 sea miles in about 110
hours an average speed of 5.8 knots which is pretty good. Weather was a bit
nasty the first two days but since then we have been broad reaching and running
in 15-20 knot winds with not too much rolling. Jolly cold considering we are
only a few days from midsummer: should have brought long johns and more than two
sweaters. As expected, it
is quite boring with an empty sea day after day and one thinks of all the other
things one could be doing ashore or coastal cruising. Along the coast or short
open sea hops there is all ways something changing to look at and one knows that
at the end of the passage there will be a new place to explore or an old
favourite to revisit. Perhaps after
over 50 years sailing and maybe 15,000 miles, I have lost interest in the
sailing per se but still enjoy the results and the
company. Phil: I
concur with the above, every non-sailor knows that sailing is a boring,
pointless exercise; it’s convincing the sailing fraternity, that’s the
problem. This leg wasn’t too
sociable the first few days as sitting around in the cockpit in cold, damp
conditions is not that attractive.
When we came off watch, instead of whiling away an hour chatting in
shorts and a T-shirt (Caribbean style), most of us headed straight to bed in an
attempt to combat hypothermia and sleep deprivation. I guess Robin and Chris had no warm up
sail to prepare for this, it was straight from being tourists in the Azores to
ocean sailors facing a 1250 mile passage.
Still, I’m very grateful that they ‘volunteered’ to sample these dubious
pleasures. Latterly, we’ve
had some sunshine and some enjoyable social meals. We have loads of food and grog (Robin
& Chris did the provisioning), so there’s no chance of starvation or
scurvy. Time passes slowly with
only Shearwaters and petrels for company whilst on watch, but the 3 or 4 hour
watches are bearable if there’s something to think about. At least the others have Malawi and
concrete to talk about, I just think of England (or Devon & Cornwall), that
green and pleasant land. (‘Typical’, I hear you say, ‘He always wants to be
somewhere else.’) Pics: Marine Engineers. Still Blogging after all these years.