Le Grande Escapade – Marin, South Martinique. 5 March
First an account of the last
week in Rodney Bay Marina. Are you
sitting comfortably? Let’s go back
to the 25 Feb. It rained virtually
all day, we coped with inside chores on the boat but did feel sorry for Steve
& Alison (friends of my brother) who were holidaying at the Rex Resort in
Rodney Bay – this weather is pretty atypical for St. Lucia. The next day we hired a car and took
them on a mini-tour of the North of the island, including the golf club of
course, a few exclusive developments (in case they wanted to buy a property
here) and then an unsuccessful attempt to find a hiking trail. On returning to Castries we hit a
traffic jam and had to leave them to get the bus back to Rodney Bay and we
headed South to the airport to pick up Ben and his girlfriend, Charlie. This went fairly well (by St. Lucian
standards) and we brought them back up the East coast (faster road) in time for
free drinks at the marina.
Unfortunately that was cancelled, or postponed, so we ate onboard and
retired early. They had only
managed about one hour’s sleep in the last 48h so were understandably
knackered. The joys of
travelling! This is the first leg
of a five month adventure for them, as after 3 weeks with us, they fly to Chile
and then make their way up through South and Central America to LA then fly to
Toronto for a few weeks before heading home.
We had a couple of days with Ben
& Charlie looking at the Rodney Bay area, Pigeon Island and the Soufriere
area including a snorkel at the very expensive resort at Jalousie, before we had
another jaunt to the airport to pick up Pete. Paula and I had now seen the East and
West coast roads about 4 times each and were almost on first-name terms with
each pot-hole. The following day we
had to return the hire car – that should be easy. St. Lucia struck again – none of the
garages we tried had petrol. For
fear of being late I went to the airport hire car depot and explained – there
were two options, I pay $25 US which would be well over twice the cost of the
fuel, or we go with a driver to find some fuel. So off we went taking back roads and
short-cuts and eventually joined the queue in a petrol station not too far from
Rodney Bay. Eventual success, but
we had lost another couple of hours.
I then went with Pete, Ben & Charlie to show them the delights of
Castries. Later in the day I went
up the mast to check the riggers handiwork – it all looked OK thankfully. Our final day was spent on a day sail
into Rodney Bay to show Charlie the ropes and give the bottom a good scrub (the
boat’s not Charlie’s). I was
surprised how much fouling had occurred in a month on a marina, mainly serpulid
worm tubes and some barnacles, particularly around the rudder and prop. A couple of hours working at it with
plastic putty scrapers and stiff brushes got her back into cruising
Our final evening
was marked with a Grand Opening Ceremony for the Marina with free drinks
again. The problem was we started
the drinking onboard with our Canadian neighbours (Jim & Berni) and gave our
stocks of Pastis and Rum (not mixed) a severe thrashing, with just some nibbles
for food, before going on to the
free Rum punches at the Marina.
Bladdered again, retired early and I’m told Charlie performed in the
galley with some eggs, but I don’t remember eating any.
Wed 4 March we
departed for Martinique at last. A
lively sail, close hauled with 15 to 20 knots of wind and 3 metre swell, was not
the ideal start to the cruise for Charlie and Ben, and I imagine they questioned
the decision to start their travels in this way. I won’t show you the picture of Charlie
looking rather poorly, but I must say we all admired her stoicism and her powers
of recovery, and after the first couple of days she handled the sailing very
well. Our arrival at Marin marina
after a 5 hour passage was the start of a two day French farce and more
trauma. Shall I bore you with the
details? Oh, alright then.
Our cruising guide showed two visitors pontoons,
more horrible stern-to moorings to negotiate. We saw a space and reversed in, someone
who we thought worked there help us tie up astern and I dinghied out to attach a
line to the mooring buoy.
Success. Despite the recent
strikes and riots, Marin seemed to be ‘open’ and functional although the
restaurants were either closed or showing apologetic notices that they couldn’t
offer the normal menu, and there was a long queue of people with jerry cans at
the fuel dock. A small bottle of
beer was 2.2 Euros – how much?!
Eventually we found the Capitainerie (spelling?) and explained where we
were. They weren’t sure we could
stay there and later we received a severe ticking off by Philippe, the head
honcho of the Marina, saying there is no space, we should have radioed in, there
are many boats anchored that are waiting for a berth to come available, the
marina is always full, Chris Doyle (the guide book) doesn’t know what he’s
talking about, you naughty, naughty English people! We stayed the night and promised to
clear off by 08.00h. So in the
morning we went out to anchor in the Bay.
Although we were outside some other boats, we were soon told off for
anchoring in a restricted zone, and had to move further out to make room for
crazy French youths to charge about in Hobie Cats – wise move. We should take more notice of the guide
book rather than other yachts. The
next few hours were spent running to and from the marina office trying to pay,
getting our electronic key to the wash rooms activated again, as it expired at
08.00h, and buying some expensive vegetables and salad items. Pete had to queue at the Bank to
withdraw money and noticed that all the residents seemed to be only withdrawing
about 20 euros each. We didn’t
think staying around here was going to be easy or pleasant so returned to the
boat and prepared to head North.
We started the engine, but couldn’t
get the windlass to work (sometimes the contact is bad due to corrosion in the
socket), so I fiddled about for five minutes trying different things when the
cockpit team all shouted that there was smoke coming from the engine. I dashed back to investigate, asked
Paula to switch off but the solenoid didn’t work (it sometimes plays up like
that), so I stopped the engine manually and opened all the hatches – the stench
of electrical burning didn’t bode well.
The starter motor and solenoid were very hot and my suspicions proved
correct. The starting key had stuck
in the on position and the starter motor had been running continually for five
minutes or more, I was not optimistic that it would work again. After cooling it with ice for half an
hour or more we tried again - click, but no start. The skipper’s language and mood were
both pretty bad! Remove starter
motor, which thankfully I managed without too much trouble, then take it to be
tested. We eventually found the guy
to do it and after a French sniff, a shrug and some head shaking, he guessed the
cause and was also not optimistic.
After a little persuasion he agreed to look at it immediately and we were
asked to come back in half an hour.
So Paula, Pete and I went to get a beer. On arrival at a local
café I thought the beers were going to be too expensive so opted for an
ice-cream, the others followed suit, unfortunately we must have opened them
before we found out the price – Cornettos at 3 euros each, I’m not having a good
day! When Paula reached the cone on
hers and found it to be soft, she grabbed ours also and marched back to change
them (hopefully for a beer we thought) and came back with 3 Magnums. Cornish mutterings about Euros and
exchange rates followed.
Back to the starter motor – malheureusement, il est
mort. Merde! Et plus merde! 10 euros for his time, and he directed us
to a marina shop, Mecanique Plaisance which should still be open. I presented the dead motor and my engine
model and number to a very helpful lady, who checked her computer for which
model I needed and within 3 or 4 minutes produced two virtually identical
motors. One was marked Hitachi and
cost around 600 euros (gulp) and the other was a clone at a mere 300 euros – the
choice was mine. I’m not going to
tell which one I chose. Back to the
boat, by this time hot, sweaty and broke, and after a slight modification to one
of the terminals, it was fitted, it worked, and we had an engine again. Another expensive lesson learnt. By that time there was too little time
to go anywhere so we stayed at anchor overnight – drat, another day lost. The following day we headed up the west
coast of Martinique for St. Pierre which is a well placed anchorage for the
passage to the next island, Dominica.
More to follow in the next
installment – Martinique hadn’t finished with us yet!
Pics: Red Cross
parcel, caffeine overload. Me at the top of the mast checking the rigging,
you can almost see the knees shaking.
Ben & Charlie in
St. Lucia. Charlie at the helm (smiling, I think). Scrubbing the
Ben in scrubbing
mode. Moving from St. Lucia into French territory.