
32:38.75N 16:54.4W Funchal, Madeira 18-26 Oct 08 A well-deserved week of R & R here - 2 days with a hire car, some wining and dining and catching up with boat chores/maintenance. A very enjoyable stay, helped by having a 'native', -another scientific coleague of mine -, Lidia Gouveia to advise and entertain us. Thanks again Lidia, we'll be back! John and Clare returned to Blighty mid-week, after a bit of excitement with the anchor dragging and the boat drifting to within a few feet of the harbour wall. Phew, close one! Di returned to UK on Saturday and Tony and I finished our stay in Funchal with a Fun regatta organised by the local Yacht Club. Lots of beer, not much sailing, impressive BBQ in the evening, more beer, and they awarded us First Prize with large (heavy) Trophy. Thanks a lot to all our new friends in Funchal. So that left just two of us to get to the Canaries - onwards. More pics to follow.