La Coruna again

43:22.86N 08:20.52W Return to La Coruna and anchoring at Mera. Various logostical issues at this stage meant that we had a brief cruise west to the first couple of Spanish Rias and then returned to Ria de La Coruna to explore the area, send the first crew home to Blighty and and prepare for the next motley crowd before heading west and south. So once we had enjoyed the peace and facilities of La Coruna for a couple of days and recharged our batteries, Ray, Paddy and I set of west for Corme. Boisterous conditions with wind against us meant we arrived in the dark (not a good idea generally) but the chart plotter and Pilot book led us into a sheltered spot just off the beach at Corme. Sleep is never easy in a strange place at anchor, but I'd better get used to it, this could be the norm from now on. In the morning Corme didn't look too exciting but there were mussel rafts nearby and and we were refreshed for another battling with the elements. We soon made it around the corner and into the next Ria and the security of the marina at Camarinas. Quite a nice feel to the town, a friendy yacht Club with internet access, and we met up with Ayesha, another boat from the Yealm. We debated on whether to continue west which would mean hire cars or buses to get Paddy and Ray to the airport, or heading back to La Coruna (against the wind) to simplify the logisitics. Second option seemed best. Two days heading east seemed a bit grim, but all for the best. Another day and a half in La Coruna, Ray and Paddy departed, and I was alone at anchor for four days. I chose Playa del Burgo for the first two nights - OK but rolly and the anchor alarm went off twice, not much sleep. The next two nights were at Mera, across the bay to the North - very nice spot, off a sandy beach, pleasant town/village. I shared the anchorage with a French couple. During this time I had more opportunities to meet up with my Spanish friends, Chemy and Marisol, who had spent a few years in Plymouth at the MBA - almost 20 years ago. I was treated to some Galician delicacies during a day on Whitemeadow with them and their friend Alex and Ellie plus both families. Nine on the boat for lunch, anchored in the Ferrol estuary - sunshine, good company, good food and some vino tinto - this cruising life! Thanks everyone for making my stay in La Coruna very pleasant - I was very impressed with the area and the hospitality, I'll be back. Beware of Spanish Pirates taking over your boat in this area - see pictures. I went back into Darsena Marina to tidy up before the next crew joined for the onward leg. Paula, Robin and Peter joined on 1 Oct - next instalment coming soon.