Olbia - 21st May

Richard Martin
Sat 21 May 2011 19:53

We had another great sail yesterday, south through the Maddelana Islands and then along the Sardinian Smeralda coast, with all  its rocky Islands and narrow channels making a great navigational challenge – see picys of all the jagged rocks which if we had got wrong would have been pretty fatal. With a wind of F3/4 from the SE it was a beat all the way but with flat seas the boat went like a train. The new bigger genoa we put on at the end of last year has added quite a lot of power and speed.


Sailing close to the shore we saw some fantastic houses with lovely lawns down to the water’s edge – no wonder it is one of the most expensive areas to be during the high season. The sands are incredibly white here too.


While sailing we saw what we believe (having never seen anything like it before) was an ‘Ice rainbow’ in the light clouds above. See picy;


After some 45 miles sailing we arrived at Olbia. Olbia doesn’t seem very exciting (a commercial port) but the marina is walking distance to the airport, from which Bob flew back to the UK from today (see picy of Bobs plane leaving taken from our boat). This is a new marina which is clearly very cheap for a winter berths and being near the airport attracts boats from all nationalities.


We may stay another day to do the laundry and stock up before returning to the Maddelana Islands - they need more exploring before heading North towards Corsica and Elba.

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