2nd May - Sealion launched for the 2010 season

Richard Martin
Sun 2 May 2010 19:01
We had a good trip from the UK staying with some friends in Paris and then a night in Nimes some 50 miles from the Port Napoleon and the boat. Nimes turned out to be a lovely old French town made even better by lovely warm weather.
Having arrived at the boat Wednesday mid-day, we completed the antifouling and other hull work and were ready for launching on Saturday. - The weather has been great so far, shorts and tee-shirt, but has started to turn and not looking good for the week ahead. 
We did have a little accident - The battens for our new mainsail were wound round inside the car, bearing in mind that they are not split and the longest is 45 feet long. Anyhow on getting the battens out of the car one of the ends flicked out hitting Alison on the hand. A retired GP on one of the boats bandaged her hand up and recommended that she do no house work for two months!!?? 
Saturday we were put into the water accompanied by the engineer who has hopefully fixed our rudder leak and changed our sail drive seal - On hitting the water I rushed below to check for leaks - guess what the engine water intake pipe, which was changed, as the engineer reckoned it was broken and replaced it, leaked (not that we ever had a leak last year). Not a major problem but will need fixing before we go far.
Today we have spent the day rigging the sails and cleaning the boat.
Tomorrow it is a trip to the supermarket to stock up with booze (and maybe some food etc.)
By the time we have completed all the jobs, fixed a few problems and tested the gear etc. It will probably be well into next week when we intend heading for Marseille for a few days.
Pictures; Roman arena in Nimes
            ; The invalid
            ; Sealion back in the water

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