24:47.95N 24:28.77W

Ocean Science's blog
Glenn Cooper
Sat 17 Jan 2015 06:31
The Cheshire Cat started to disappear and carried on disappearing until all that was left was its smile.  Up on watch at 4am  with Teresa, to see the moon rising in the eastern sky behind us , except it looked more like  a great big smile than the moon.  Here it is (poor image due to modest equipment and talent-free photographer).
At the western end of the sky we have Orion fading into the sea ahead of us, and up above we have the full planetarium effect -  intermittent tonight because of cloud cover.  Jupiter is dead above, like a beacon, and two of the Galilean moons are visible with binoculars (we have a fancy gyro-stabilised pair on board)  We cannot wait to see our galaxy. the Milky Way, from horizon to horizon.    Like milk spilt by the naughty Cheshire Cat
Our current course is a cat's whisker north of west, and the boat is comfortable at that angle.  We are on starboard gybe, i.e. the boat is predominantly tilted to the left.  At some point we will have to put some south into our course again , which will mean that we go onto port gybe for a while.  This will have a practical effect on bunk life.  With the boat on starboard, those in port cabins have it easier – although the boat is rocking quite a lot the tilt keeps us pushed into the wall most of the time.  Currently, the lucky bunkers are Gregor and the two Bens.  Our skipper has a starboard bunk with a sturdy lee cloth in place to stop him falling out.    In a couple of days he will be in pole position bunk-wise.  (Mark and Teresa are in the forepeak, across the boat, so all they have to do is move their angle of snooze through 180 degrees)
I am writing this blog at the chart table, but I should really join Teresa on watch up in the cockpit, so tata for now.  Nothing else in sight except sea and stars.