Day 9 SY Magic Roundabout position 17:44.39S 168:18.27E

Professional Skipper
Tue 11 May 2010 11:31
Position time 2030NZT
We have arrived safe and sound at the quarantine anchoridge in Port Vila, we will have to wait here until the customs guys allow us clearance into the harbour in the morning. The only thing we are short of is Cigerettes, water and diesel we will have to wait till morning for the diesel but the rest we are hoping to get tonight.
Well apart from the rough weather and seas the rest of the trip has been relatively easy sailing and  sure we are all looking forward to a few beers and in my case a couple of cigerettes!!
Well Fred, Claire and Tom will be staying here for at least four months and
i'll hopefully see them again if i bring the boat back at the end of the season.
As for me
i'm hoping to do my dive course and then its back to auckland to prepare another yacht to take it and the owners to Brisbane and then just a delivery crew on to Perth around the top of Austrailia.
Chat soon