Day Twenty Seven Postion 9 33'38"N 062 26'37"E - 0830 Local Arabian Time (GMT +0300) SOG 8.5knts

Professional Skipper
Wed 19 Sep 2007 06:30
In The last couple of days we have been averaging 200nms per day which is very good going, this leaves Males only three days plus change from our current position, another failure on board, it appears that the brain for the VHF has decided that it doesn't want to do the rest of the trip and has given up the ghost, fortunately it is covered by warranty, the problem is finding somewhere that has an agent that will replace the unit! or even has a replacement.  We do have a hand held unit on board the boat and a Sateilite phone so we aren't what you would call cut off!.
It is just the fact that I could waste another day in port trying to sort it all out before I get under way again and my personal target date for getting back home to Auckland for the 14 November isn't looking very likely at this stage.
 We will need to fill up at least three of our four gas bottles if not all four, mind you when we left Aden we had 2 empty and the cost of transport alone was 45USD so I decided to flag it and refill in Males, time will tell if my decision was a smart one......
after that just the run of the mill stuff like fresh food, water and diesel and then a couple of beers and on our way, i'll update when closer to Males.