Day 9 Position Report 37:05.426S 149:55.785E. 1930 hours NZT 15/01/09

Professional Skipper
Fri 16 Jan 2009 03:50
Well after what can only be described as 12 hours of hell we arrived at Eden with what only be described as a calm 20knots!!!

We had 12 hours of 30 to 45knts wind with big beam on breaking seas, everything was soaking wet, with the occasional wave breaking right over the top of the boom! leaving the crew feeling somewhat damp! through it all Akatea handled it with grace and got us into Eden unscathed apart from my ribs and back, both of which are badly bruised and require a little liquid anesthetic! whilst on shore to help with the pain.

Apart from being wet inside that was really the only problem. Sitting here today at the wharfside cafe drinking coffee it only proves that the decision to stop here was the right one, because all we can see is wall to wall with white horses and tables and chairs are starting to move with the weight of the wind.

It's certainly not a bad place to be in these circumstances, I'm just about to get the latest weather reports, but talking to Shane the skipper of the fishing vessel 'Jordan Kate' who we are moored next to, the weather will be perfect to leave on Sunday, ENE winds 10 to 15Knots, that should take us down the coast to the Bass Straight quite nicely plus there will be between 1 and 2 knts of current underneath us, it should be a nice sail to Port Philip Bay.

Anyway its time for more anesthetic!!

I'll let you all know when we leave.


Mark, James & Joseph the Crew of 'Akatea'