Day 8 Position Report 38:04.29S 153:52.21E. 1200 hours NZT

Professional Skipper
Tue 13 Jan 2009 23:09
Well at about 2300 last night on James' watch we got the break we knew was
coming but were getting frustrated waiting for. The wind came in and the
engine was
turned off so that we can save fuel and we are now making faster progress
towards Eden our first port of call in Australia, our ETA will be
approxiamtely lunch time tomorrow NZST.

This will give us time to clear customs, a chance to do some cleaning both
on the boat and ourselves. Then we will take some diesel and other
essentials on board for the last leg to Geelong in Port Phillip Bay.

Sailing today has been fast and fun and we are all quite up beat about
hitting land. The wind has freshened today and at 0930 we put both reefs in
the main, the wind continued to build so at 1005 we changed head sail from
the No. 2 to the No.4, the next step we have is to drop the main sail
completely, which I hang off on making that decision until later on this
evening, in order to give us all a good nights sleep. All that aside we are
moving quite quickly averaging over 8knots which will see us in Eden as

At the time of writin this we were 197nms from Eden sailing 267M at 8.2knts

I'll give another update tomorrow after we reach Eden.

Distances covered in 24hrs below
The daily runs are, @ 2400 13/01 12 hrs - 78nms & 24hrs - 155nms & 1200 on
the 14/01 12 hrs - 92nms & 24hrs - 172nms

Mark, James & Joseph the Crew of 'Akatea'